The current phenomenon of technological development in the form of digital expansion gives us an understanding of digitalization. In this case, we are witnessing the spread of the influence of digitally transformed data over the entire area of traditional lifestyles, economic relations, the structural architecture of civilization, etc. We can find many cases through history where new and groundbreaking technology, or a collection of such technologies, completely changed people’s lives. The occurring shift is often very dramatic, making it for those living before challenging to understand the new generation’s way of thinking and seeing the world. These kinds of dramatic changes in thinking are called singularity. Or, in other words, a phrase initially derived from mathematics and describes a point in which we are incapable of deciphering its exact properties. In this place, the equations no longer make sense. In the context of singularity, it is most common to discuss the technological side of the matter. However, another aspect of the phenomenon is the expansion of consciousness or the “mental shift” – the change from the traditional static type of worldview to a more dynamic, multidimensional perception of the world.


The human mind served as the prototype for the computer as we know it. And just as a shovel is a tool for human hands, we might say that in the same way, a computer is a tool for that mind. Human history has more than once presented the significance of physical tools that increased productivity and quality of labor, improved military conquests, perfected the art of construction, etc. And as a result, they played a fundamental role in the development of ancient human civilization. The modern instrument of the human mind will inevitably lead to far more stunning and cardinal changes than physical tools’ evolution. We are already witnessing the enormous transformative potential of digital transformation. Computer, network, Internet – all these concepts today no longer cover the entirety of the Digital World phenomenon. One of the purpose functions of which is to unite humanity.

Let’s consider the computer and the data center as a single organism of humanity. It is possible to see the similarity of the “biochemical” infrastructure of this organism’s “brain” departments. Data centers store organizations’ most critical and proprietary assets. Accordingly, they are vital to daily operations continuity, where the brain continues to evolve structurally, quantitatively, and qualitatively. This development is interconnected with the approach to singularity. Information is associated with data, but the difference is that information resolves uncertainty. In the modern world, information is one of the most critical resources and, at the same time, one of the driving forces of human society’s development. Information processes occurring in the material world, living nature, and human society are essential in everyday life. Therefore they are taken into account by all scientific disciplines, from philosophy to marketing.

The computer Deep Blue managed to beat Gary Kasparov in chess. After years of further development, even the strongest human players can no longer win on their own, even an AI running on commercial hardware. Shortly after his defeat, Kasparov developed a new kind of chess contest in which human players may use computers, creating “centaur” teams. This collaboration helps them reach more outstanding successes and accomplishments than each would’ve gotten on their own. In this sort of partnership, they obtain results that neither could achieve alone. During the play, the computer rapidly evaluates all possible moves. Then the human player picks the best option regarding their opponents. We can expect a similar singularity to occur in many other fields during the following decades. Some of us will struggle against AI, while others will ignore it. The best approach will be collaborating with the computers. That is, now we have to help computers learn and direct their growth and learning. The man can no longer rely only on himself and his brain. Instead, he has to collaborate and unite with sophisticated computers to beat tomorrow’s challenges. This realization can be a singularity all by itself.

As shown in the diagram above, with the universal binary code through 1 and 0, any information (without forgetting images and sounds) can be represented in digital form. From this level, the digital data of all humankind is in singularity. Synergy relates to a specific place/location in space, which makes possible the existence of all things or, one could say, is the “vessel” of the world. Everything is therefore alike; all things are involved in a kind of togetherness in which all things contain each other. Togetherness embodies the synergy property of self-growth of being. And this synergy corresponds to the point of singularity marking a rupture in any continuity and the presence in it of a reality of a higher order. I suppose that synergy may be the key to understanding digital and spiritual energy’s symbiosis. Synergy and singularity symbiosis would provide the greatest possible unlocking of humanity’s shared spiritual and digital knowledge potential. Here we come to the question of the Akashic Library’s presence in this scheme, which is in a higher dimension than the one in which we live.

We can compare the Akashic Library to the supercomputer system of the Universe. This system acts as the central storage of all information for each person who has ever lived on Earth. The Akashic Library contains knowledge of global changes, world movements, all significant events for humanity as a whole, as well as for each individual. It seems to be more than just an events archive; it is like a cosmic internet, where it is possible to find specific information through a search engine, which is constantly changing and expanding as a reflection of humanity’s development. That is, it operates like data centers where stackable information is added. The Akashic Library is interactive, with an information exchange of all system elements. It has an enormous impact on our daily lives, relationships, feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities that we attract to ourselves. We, as humanity, can interact with this “spiritual source” and receive knowledge and instruction in earthly time and space. But how can we decipher the symbiosis of the combined spiritual and digital potential of humanity’s knowledge using The Akashic Library?


Despite the impressive progress of computer mathematics so far, computers still do not know how to discover the “law of nature” formula. “I know that I know nothing” – these words, usually assigned to Socrates, can be entirely attributed to altered consciousness/perception of the Universe. As specialists admit, fractals are the most effective and the only possible way to gain insight into the Universe’s laws so far. In reality, fractal as a mathematical abstraction, i.e., an approximation to what we see in real life, seems even more interesting.

There have been many studies and books written about the workings of the mind. What most of these studies are doing, however, is studying the physical workings of the brain. Science can now tell with great accuracy where some process occurs within the brain but knows practically nothing about what this means. Knowing what regions of the mind light up when we think about some subject is not the same thing as knowing how all of this becomes an image in our mind. If, as the physicists believe, the reality that we live in is a composite of the physical and mental, then we must understand the mental side before we can hope to understand that reality. Considering the importance that modern physics now gives to consciousness understanding its nature becomes more urgent.

Interestingly, the ancient Greeks, from whom the word came, called “cosmos” anything with an inherent order and orderliness. The study of the origin of the universe is not only a fundamental and exciting challenge by definition, but perhaps it is also the key to energy in the modern and future century. We often hear that humanity’s energy use has increased so much that fossil resources will run out in a couple of decades in recent years. But we heard the same thing in the 1970s. Where do we get our energy today, and what do we do next? To develop technology, we need to understand how to effectively convert it into work because energy is not an endless resource, even on an astronomical scale. Virtually all the energy that exists on Earth and that humans can extract from the solar system is the Sun’s energy, which has a finite lifetime. And all the energy in the universe is limited to what the Big Bang gave us. But what is energy?

Nowadays, the word “energy” is one of the most popular words. People today strive to be active and energetic. But most importantly, energy and its possession are necessary in the modern world because it is the primary source of production. There is a fierce rivalry between countries for various energy sources like oil and gas. Clemenceau said with perfect truth: “A drop of oil is worth a drop of blood.” The race for energy, oil, and gas is a race for reality, for the present – as people see it. But few of the racers after “real values” realize that their way of being and goal-setting has been outlined as far back as antiquity, in ancient philosophy.

We owe the word “energy” its particular terminological use to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. In ancient Greek, energeia means “reality,” “activity,” or literally, energy is something that is in action, in motion. Aristotle contrasted this concept with the notion of possibility. Energy is something that is realized, not just in conception or potentiality. According to Aristotle, the highest energy, in an unusual way for us, belongs to God, who himself is motionless. For us, who are used to associating energy and motion, it is bizarre that for Aristotle, the most energetic, authentic, and active is the one that is at the same time motionless and represents the supreme peace.

The history of energy began at the moment of the Big Bang. Perhaps at one moment, two related concepts appeared: energy and space-time. Maybe energy was the root cause of everything in our world. It remains to be figured out, but one thing is sure now: energy is the essence of the physical form of matter. Everything in the Universe is a concentration of one form or another of energy. The theory of the expansion of the early Universe indicates that originally all matter was a homogeneous isotropic environment. There was cooling and “condensation” of all elementary particles known to science in the expansion process. Four fundamental interactions appeared: strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational. Many years after the Big Bang, when people first started using energy, no one knew about these four interactions. Humans initially warmed themselves and cooked food with chemical combustion reactions. All of human life is in a constant search for energy. It may be a grand statement, but think about it: we eat to get energy for brain function and movement. Physical energy is fuel for other forms of energy resources, primarily emotional and mental energy. Mental energy defines our life and our development by allowing us to focus on our most important problems and tasks. Spiritual energy is determined by our non-selfish goals and values – an adequate balance between caring for others and paying attention to our own desires and needs. Spiritual energy gives a person a direction where we want to spend other energy resources like physical, emotional, and mental. It is the spiritual energy that makes us act and gives us tenacity and perseverance.

Before Einstein formulated the theory of relativity, he believed that all celestial bodies that were time-dependent were subject to gravitational force, thus carrying out the motion of galaxies, but that time and space were unaffected by them. The theory of relativity opened the road to the greatest intellectual revolution, in which it was proved that space and time are interdependent and that it is correct to use the term “space-time”. In this case, the singularity, meaning the contraction of space, expresses the disappearance of time.

The Universe originated in a super-hot state, which then began to cool down. As this plasma cooled, elementary particles with their properties began to appear in this plasma. But there are other properties, which are called fundamental constants. According to calculations, it turned out that if any of these constants differed from its current position by a negligible amount, by 10 to the minus twentieth power, then the Universe would not be formed. It would either collapse into some enormous mass or be blown away into dust. This principle is called the fine-tuning of the Universe. It is not yet possible to precisely explain in physics or biology or anywhere else the spontaneous emergence of the Universe. So far, these are just theories. And behind these calculations are rigid laws of nature, rigid values of fundamental constants. With the Universe’s development, when stars arise, heavy elements form in the stars, and hydrogen and helium, carbon, oxygen, iron appear. Planet Earth emerges. On Earth, man arises, with dozens of different elements in his body, without which he cannot exist. That is why this fine-tuning principle is called the anthropic principle in philosophy. It is derived from the word Anthropos, meaning man. In other words, these constants are not random; they did not just arise to form some beautiful and ordered universe. They exist in order for humans to emerge. In other words, the Universe is designed for humans!

This argument has been extended in recent years by many other ones. For example, in his book Programming the Universe, American physicist Seth Lloyd writes that the Universe is a quantum computer. Suppose the Universe is a quantum computer, which implements some program. In that case, it must also have a programmer who wrote this program, which has run for nearly 14 billion years, right? He said he is only a physicist and does not know the answer to this question. But for him, the Big Bang should be more correctly called Bit Bang. And where is this information? Where does it come from? Why is the world developing according to this program? We know very little!

Probably everyone has heard about the Big Bang Theory, not to be confused with the famous movie series of the same name, but few people have any idea what is behind these words and where and how this theory develops. When people say the word “explosion,” the picture that comes to mind is a bomb exploding and blowing up into nothing. That picture is wrong. The correct concept is that there is a gigantic density of energy throughout space. It makes this space expand. But space, which has begun to expand, can also be infinite. However, a strange question might arise as to how there is an Infinite with great density. And it is so simple and yet so odd at the same time. It could be that the Universe was finite in size, like a sphere, and then began to expand and stretch to gigantic proportions. That’s a possibility that’s being discussed. Maybe that initial state can’t be described in terms of ordinary space, ordinary time at all. And we know nothing about what came before. Thanks to modern astronomical and astrophysical observations, we can say with certainty that our Universe is currently expanding slowly and has a relatively low temperature.

Ultimately, according to scientists, the Big Bang theory suffers from the same major flaw as the evolution theory. Both describe almost perfectly how the Universe (or life on Earth) changed after creation. Still, neither can explain how it all began. And maybe the ancient philosophers were right when they said that “the world was created, like time itself, without beginning or end. On the other hand, attempts to create universes in the laboratory hold great promise: perhaps, in the future, it will help us to survive the inevitable death of our Universe. The Big Bang is usually considered to be a theory of the birth of the Universe. However, technically it does not exactly describe the origin of the Universe but instead attempts to explain how the Universe developed from a very tiny, dense state into what it is today.

The scale that cosmologists scientists work at, of course, is much different. The Universe is huge compared to a single planet, even a single galaxy, and its timeline is much longer. Because of this, cosmologists can’t know with certainty how the Universe began or how it will end. They can, however, collect evidence, make educated guesses and establish theories. One such theory concerning the future of the Universe is known as the “big crunch.” According to this theory, the Universe will one day stop expanding. Then, as gravity pulls on the matter, the Universe will begin to contract, falling inward until it has collapsed back into a super-hot, super-dense singularity. If you’re disconcerted by all this talk of crunching and expanding, you can take comfort in knowing that the fate of the Universe won’t be determined for billions, maybe even trillions, of years. That gives us plenty of time to focus on things that are a bit more certain, such as our own life cycle.

The point is that there is a growing disorder in the universe. Entropy is the measure of that disorder. The flow of time from the past to the future means that entropy in the universe is constantly increasing. In simple terms, entropy is the law that says that everything in the world spoils. Hot things cool down over time, heat escapes from them. Buildings collapse and crumble into ashes, all living things age and die. These changes are related to the passage of time and mark the transition from the past to the future.

The same is true of any closed system: entropy can only increase (at best, remain constant), it never decreases. Obviously, the presence of living beings on Earth contradicts this principle. We create order out of disorder – we build houses and things like that. But the Earth is not a closed system. It’s powered by the Sun, and that outweighs entropy. So if we take the solar system as a whole and consider it a closed system, it turns out that entropy in it does increase – in full accordance with the laws of thermodynamics.

In most cases, the laws of nature do not distinguish between the forward and backward motion of time. With respect to time, these laws are symmetrical. You can make a movie about various physical interactions and run the movie backward, and no one will notice the glitch. But in our everyday experience, we unmistakably separate the past from the future. We can almost always guess that the film has gone in the wrong direction; we don’t confuse these directions. The source of “symmetry breaking” is still one of the great mysteries, but we know that in the universe – the way we see it – our perception of the passage of time is most likely due to increasing disorder, entropy in a closed system. The path from order to chaos is one-way; entropy increases with time. A broken cup will not reassemble itself from the shards and jump back on the shelf. Disorder never diminishes.

Hawking, an English theoretical physicist, was the first to outline a cosmological theory that combined the concepts of general relativity and quantum mechanics. And this unification was essentially the main thing to study new aspects of the Universe structure and once again try to solve the riddle of the singularity at the beginning of time. Discussing such questions as what was before the Big Bang and where time came from is valuable and enjoyable and therefore necessary. It is helpful because it develops our methods and skills, aligns previous results, and lays the foundation for future knowledge and, perhaps, proposals for the future survival of humanity in this troubled home, our Universe.

To consider the theories of the origin and development of the Universe. To study the presence of symmetry and asymmetry of the Universe related to the concept of time. Whether asymmetric fractals extend to infinity or suggest that calculations have an end in the end. What does the pursuit of knowledge of these matters really accomplish? Sir Roger Penrose, a British mathematical physicist, believes that there is some world beyond the senses accessible to us through the intellect, which is not identical to our physical world. From time to time, the connection between the mathematical world, physical objects, and the world of ideas suddenly appears. After analyzing all this, there is a certainty that through the development of education, increasing and unifying knowledge, using the Law of Nature and uniting it with spiritualistic knowledge, there is a way to transform Human Knowledge from the physical level to the digital level to its further use at the highest advanced level.

Why is it necessary to study metaphysical phenomena?

Imagine that with the help of thought, before going to sleep, a person tries to simulate tomorrow’s events. By this practice, it is possible to find out that when solving complex problems, the brain switches off, and after some time, it turns on with a ready solution. Later on, in everyday life and when working on serious scientific problems, it is enough to consciously set ourselves a straightforward task and continue doing other things. This may be work or recreation, sports, or creative activities. After some time, the solution will come practically ready, and it only remains to be comprehended.

It is well known that absolutely all problems – in relationships, health, career, and creativity – are related to human thinking. And they are caused by energy-informational fields, more precisely by thoughts and emotions, which are subject to the laws of physics. Nowadays, scientists are increasingly entering the sphere of medicine and psychology. In addition to knowledge of the laws of physics, it requires the ability to think logically, to solve complex, almost mathematical problems. It is impossible to achieve effective results in the management of thoughts without prior work. It is daily work on emotions, attitudes, thoughts. An unprepared person is unlikely to achieve good results just by using techniques. Much depends on how many unnecessary beliefs and negative emotions a person has, how strong they are, and how ready he is to work on himself.

Thought control is a complex process. In terms of physics, one must learn to emit high-frequency vibrations. And this is nothing but positive thoughts and emotions – feelings of gratitude, joy, love, anything that attracts similar in return. As a result, a person who radiates high vibrations quickly and easily achieves goals, lives happily, and has no health problems. According to the laws of physics, the way we feel now is the way we will become in the future.

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