12 years in Smart Cities we think differently about the topic and the approach. Leaving technologies behind and moving into a more important element of Smart Cities – People! Summarizing, or better say merging the sense of my “Abusrdystan” strategy into a few pages, I would like to describe, discuss and execute the following scenario.

  1. Explain to people the importance of consciousness and conscious behavior
  2. Include consciousness practice in the education system
  3. Discuss the Environmental and Nature itself
  4. Discuss the Political systems
  5. Make people think more conscious
  6. Continue building technology infrastructure of “Smart Cities”
  7. The connection of Singularity and Synergy
  8. Integration Study

1. Explain to people a conscious serving

Consciousness is a puzzling phenomenon. We can say my consciousness is the only element of existence I am personally aware of. Through the flow of subjective experiences, I perceive external reality and myself restricted from it. I assume that other human minds—and to some extent non-human minds—experience a similar structure in this eternal moment of “now.” Strangely, however, the subjective itself is very hard to objectify.

The totality of perception, including every memory, is notoriously unreliable and misleading. Consciousness has two sides—something like the inner and outer. To make something possible, for example, communicate, touch, or smell by the outer side of consciousness, we must exert some effort and contact with surrounding things. Meantime our inner consciousness is always with us, so it’s not necessary to make anything to make it works. But, we can force effort to express and understand what we have inside. Doing that is not so easy and clear things. How, then, should one try to comprehend the fundamental nature of consciousness?

Moreover, is the external world our senses are seemingly reporting to us about really “out there?” The blooming of every human life is different. The stress-less mind is everything that’s needed to the consciousness of the natural flow. When your mind is quiet and calmed down, everything else happens naturally. The inner energy wakes up and starts to work without any effort from your side.

How is known in Dao culture, Chi watch on consciousness? Staying in the moment of calm, you start to feel the smartness of plants and animals. The silence of wishes and learning this sensitive mechanism by which these wishes are getting materialized. In Dao, this kind of living is called “Wei we wei” which we can translate as Doing, not doing. Buddha talked about the middle way. Aristoteles described the golden middle as the middle between two extremes as the optimal way of beauty. Not too focused, but also not lax, but find the ideal balance.

Vedanta, also known as Maya or an illusion – the absence of feelings about the surroundings and understanding it in the form of projection, is created only by our minds. Our minds allow us by a unique system to feel as see and hear the world’s vibrations. The same inner calm does not depend on the outer situation. The faith in the external world created by our mind is always filtered through feelings, and because of this, it always is incomplete. In the core of all feelings exist only a single vibration field.
Same as in the ancient Vedic system, the same now, thinking is only one of the senses. Feeling these feelings simultaneously allows creating the minds based on a single information source. Thinking is just an instrument. One of six feelings, but for some reason, we give it such a high priority that we are identifying ourselves with our thoughts. We are so focused on our thoughts that we are trying to explain the mind as a feeling. We are not that which eyes can see, but that whereby eyes can see. We are not that which we can hear by ears, but that whereby ears can hear. We are not that we can tell by words, but that whereby words can be told. We are not that about which can think the mind, but that whereby the mind can think. It all is the eternal Brahma.

There exists one more state of living when we can connect off from our 3-dimensional world. It is possible during mediation. Vipassana meditation, also called meditation of inner insights, can be defined as self-managed neural plasticity. We accept our reality exactly how it is, how it is at the present moment. We accept it on the deepest level of feelings, at the level of vibrations and energy. Without prejudice, without the impact of thoughts. In the brain, at the deepest level of thinking, with the help of attention, we can create a new type of reality perception. Circumstances and conditions do not matter anymore— only the perception of the consciousness matters. The word meditation in Sanskrit means being free from evaluation, comparison, and all matches. So it’s not about not trying to become someone else, but being ourselves and feeling comfortable with what’s going on at present. To become free from suffering and physical reality, it is necessary to accept it and fully agree on it. As a result, it becomes something inside ourselves. They and you are something inside it. The various mindfulness practices evolve and teach how to be in touch with and accept the world’s variability and diversity. Through mindfulness practices, one can get in touch with oneself and one’s body, manage one’s state, better understand oneself, and explore one’s behavior and emotions. Mindfulness practices train focus, clarity, and equanimity. Concentration is attention management. Clarity is the understanding of what is going on. Equality is the ability to look at everything as if from the outside.

In the middle of 90′, Edward Witten, an American mathematical and theoretical physicist expressed calculations and mathematical models that prove at least an 11-dimensional universe. Moreover, in every one of these dimensions is possible to place an endless volume of worlds. So higher is the volume of dimensions, and the higher is the volume of components in these dimensions, so more information is available. In contrast, in the three-dimensional, the volume of information is limited. So that means that if we have x-dimensions around us and everything we do, track, or measure in 4-dimensional logic, our understanding is wrong because the information is incomplete. A hundred years earlier, individual physicists had already stated that consciousness works independently of the brain. Every personality is part of a global informational decision-based structure.

During the last ten years, scientists reached a lot of success in analyzing the human brain. The term neural-plasticity expresses the physical connection between brain neurons that get changed according to thoughts moving through them. The psychologist Donald Hebb found that when two neurons are active simultaneously, their connection gets stronger. When a person is in a state of continuous attention, neurons link with each other, creating our subjective perception of reality. That means that when the mind is full of stress, fear, and negativity, we strengthen connections for a higher volume of similar thoughts. The same goes for the opposite. When we focus our minds on love and happiness, we strengthen this connection. How can we do that when we are surrounded by violence and suffering? Will it be self-deception and acceptance of our wishes as reality? Neural plasticity is not an understanding of the new age. When we talk about our reality through positive thinking, we are talking about the education of Budha from 2500 years ago.

A set of practices for the full development of all areas of life can include meditation and body practices or training in communication skills with people. For example, under the stimulation of different toxins, people start to see and know thighs that they should not know and see. Later was found that it’s not even necessary to use toxins to stimulate such knowledge. It is enough to execute special breathing methods by that it is possible to bring a person to the state in which he can get a piece of particular information, and he can remember things that did not happen in his own life. This is in controversy of our understanding of the three-dimensional. But, moreover, in the state of hypnosis or clinical death, we see things and the energy how it works, out of our existing limitations of the viewing illusion.

2. Include consciousness practices into the education system

Meditative practices are a good thing. And they could be used for a variety of purposes, both for adults and especially for children. For example, children would be more diligent and calm so that their motivation to study would increase; so that it would be easier for them to find a common language with each other, with teachers, and with parents. Meditative practices work very well in cases of inclusion. However, it is important to realize that separating the husks from the seeds and sow into the minds of little people only pure grains with a powerful growth potential when it comes to children. By the way, agricultural terms are pretty appropriate in this case. Buddhist meditation bhāvanā, or “mental development,” is where the modern secular (purged of the religious component) mindfulness approach means “cultivation.” In the end, both with children and adults, the task of practice is cultivating positive states of mind. The spiritual mission of parents and educators is to enable and support the realization of children’s dreams. Otherwise, we will be stealing children’s visions and killing their talents.

It seems that it is time to build a new structure for the systematic education of children. And first of all, for this, we adult parents and educators need to start with ourselves! A basic understanding of the mechanisms, regularity, and most importantly, personal experience must be had. It helps to support ourselves in moments of extremes of emotional waves when we need to remain resilient. And thereby pass it on to the next generation. But while teaching adults is often by their own volition, it’s different with children. We want to “do good” to a person from their earliest years, and we do everything not to miss the moment. However, it is enough to realize that not all practices are appropriate for every child. Imposing is a lousy way to go. Many children find their inner ways to soothe and self-explore on their own and intuitively. Listen, choose your moment, engage in play. Have a great time together!

Brain studies have shown that adults and children have very different areas of the brain that are most active. In children, the brain stem (controlling heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature) and the midbrain (responsible for waking up, appetite/satiety, and sleep) are the most active areas. In adults, the limbic system (emotional reactions, motor activity, sexual behavior) and cerebral cortex (concrete thinking, meaningful and emotionally intense behavior) are the main working areas. Building the structure of connections between neurons is the most important thing. It lays the foundation for later learning, mental health, and behavior. During the first years of life, 700 new neurons are formed every second! If you imagine for a moment the intense work going on in a little person’s brain, the degree of responsibility for how and what practices to offer increases immediately.

The development of attentiveness is based on an evolutionary mechanism. Nature itself has long ago taken care that humans can distinguish the shape, color, volume, and distance of objects around them. Our task is to do no harm and delicately help to develop the skill of attentiveness to more subtle matters – emotions, feelings, states (our own and the other person’s), properties, and the greater things that unite us. Simply put, learn and teach the freedom of the spirit – and the fact that we all have the same conditions – we are one!

“Usually we think parents should raise their children, but sometimes children can also lead parents to enlightenment and help them change,” says Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk who was ranked third in 2012 list of the 100 most influential spiritual leaders of our time.

If one feels truly free inside, nothing can interfere with one’s creativity and innovation, truly divine attributes. However, I test whole systems where many strict rules restrict people’s creativity. For example, legal and all official systems, professional sports, and, sadly, education. Where all joyful, free and creative potential is chastely set aside and manifested in bad human relationships. We must cultivate a relationship with ourselves and constantly look at ourselves with humane admiration. We came into this world to work miracles. And the free creation of something new, something that was not there before and that is unique, is such a miracle! Every free and conscious act is truly a miracle! It takes a rebellious spirit. It is our spiritual duty! It is the only way we can protect our lives and live as we are meant to live. The energies that govern modern humanity are complexity, vassalage, inertia and dependence, weakness, and fear of being different and changing things. Without quiet but determined rebellion, these frequencies will consume us. So go after your dreams and feelings, trust yourself and life! We will channel the energy in the right direction. Which one? I don’t know. You should know!

3. Discuss the environment and the nature

What could we do to achieve a world that is fairer, more prosperous, and more respectful of the environment within the next years? In this regard, the Planet Earth itself warns that we are running late, and the question now is whether we still have time to save the planet. I think it’s about time we remembered that the essence of nature is simplicity, and the one of God is simplicity. Man is not a simple essence but a complex one. And this is not because he is a compound of flesh and spirit and consists of many elements and organs, but because he has many needs. His existence and content need many things independent of himself, i.e., are outside of him. This is why we human beings need so many senses to come into contact with all things created, know it, perceive it, and benefit from it. On the other hand, nature makes things as simple as possible simply because it uses the less resistant way to do something with the lowest energy consumption. When we try to watch the system more and more complex, we can come to the core misunderstanding because the answer should be simple. And someone realizes that the world is arranged as it is. The concept of simplicity is comparative and refers to the relationship between different knowledge systems and even considering what worldview system we adhere to.

Sir Roger Penrose is a British mathematician, mathematical physicist, philosopher of science, and Nobel Laureate in Physics who believes that there is some world beyond the senses accessible to us through the intellect, which is not identical to our physical world. From time to time, the connection between the mathematical world, physical objects, and the world of ideas suddenly appears. After analyzing all this, there is a certainty that through the development of education, increasing and unifying knowledge, using the Law of Nature and uniting it with spiritualistic knowledge, there is a way to transform Human Knowledge from the physical level to the digital level to its further use at the highest advanced level. When thinking about the perspective of conscious life, we cannot escape from such questions as how to understand and live in harmony with the Laws of Nature and not to harm the environment from the perspective of nature.

4. Discuss the political systems

It is well known that absolutely all problems – in relationships, health, career, and creativity – are related to human thinking. And they are caused by energy-informational fields, more precisely by thoughts and emotions, which are subject to the laws of physics. Nowadays, scientists are increasingly entering the sphere of medicine and psychology. In addition to knowledge of the laws of physics, it requires the ability to think logically, to solve complex, almost mathematical problems. Much depends on how many unnecessary beliefs and negative emotions a person has, how strong they are, and how ready he is to work on himself. Thought control is a complex process. In terms of physics, one must learn to emit high-frequency vibrations.

I don’t know if we are ready for significant change. I don’t know if what we already have is just a step of self-organized behavior. Perhaps It is time to start some discussion about the system. Lets’ note it and talk about it without censorship! Blockchain technology, which is widely used, can transform established processes and radically change the way regulators work. The technology can protect the data we have to work with while making it more accessible and transparent. What makes blockchain unique is the immutability of irreversibility that cryptography guarantees, yet it remains an experimental technology – many of the problems of its use have yet to be solved. As can be seen, transparency based on decentralization can bring a huge positive leap in the effective change of the system, starting with a public discussion of all emerging models.

5. Boost people thinking more and more consciously

Applying previous points of strategy should automatically transform people’s mindsets. The competition of human values, increasing intuitive perception, and transformation of education should be taking over in society. As mentioned above, it is essential to focus on transforming the strategy of education. In parallel, it will be possible to begin a fundamental change in the consumption system. Try to imagine what changes would have gone through in the first place. The changes will primarily affect advertising. And by starting to promote propaganda aimed at changing consumption, there would have to be an increasing influence of big, centralized business, which would provide greater significant benefits than the collateral disadvantages. So we’re getting closer to smart city enterprises. Look at the fact that behind all this is a ban on advertising consumption! Presumed ideology is directed towards human development and quality of life, based on acquired knowledge rather than consumption policy. In society, the competition of human values and the creation and efficient use of the educational system is taking over. The learning path becomes critical in building a new economy, where the emphasis is not so much on material goods and services as innovative development and intellectual capacity.

The current pandemic has already helped many people. For instance, it helped those undecided about their profession. With experience, one knows which profession is significant for humanity and which is good only at a specific time. The pandemic has changed people’s consciousness, increased intuitive perception, and made it possible to distinguish dishonesty from the truth. It strengthened harmonious relationships in families and destroyed those that were fictitious partnerships. Like a good trainer, the pandemic has made us scan all those who intrude into our personal space uninvited. Most importantly, it has trained our empathy, which now allows us to rebuild this world not only as we see fit, but considering the opinions of others!

Pandemics’ global goal is to change the genetics of the human population. It is realistic to assume there will be a mutation afterward. Not in the form of a change in any external traits, but the form of a change in the world’s perception by the descendants of the survivors. Once introduced into the human body, a virus performs specific work aimed at changing genetics. Humanity evolves through empathy! How can we protect ourselves from epidemics and pandemics in the future? As humans, perfection is available to us as a harmony of the true, the good, and the beautiful. Perfection appears in three projections: to the mind, it is given as objective truth, to the free will as good, to the contemplation as beauty. These three images of the same are first conceived in the loving heart. Because the perfect content is known in the same perfect way, by love. Conscience evaluates thoughts and deeds in terms of proper perfection. A loving heart, creative contemplation, reason, and conscience are essential to a person’s moral immunity.

6. Continue building Smart Cities based on technology

The growth of cities, which will need to accommodate around 5 billion people by 2030, will be another of the decade’s big environmental challenges. The metropolises of the future will need to be compact, safe, inclusive, ecological, and energy-efficient, with more green spaces, more environmentally friendly buildings, and more sustainable methods of transport, which put the needs of pedestrians above those of traffic.

Build smart cities with attention to people, their life comfort, and greener environment, because it gives the possibility to calm down that means – have time for the above point (1). That is, we are back to the fact that through the proper outer life organization of the emergence of the opportunity to get in more depth and conscious touch with oneself and one’s body, i.e., with the inner world, manage one’s state, better understand oneself, and explore one’s behavior and emotions. For example, imagine that with the help of thought, a person tries to simulate tomorrow’s events before going to sleep. By this practice, it is possible to find out that when solving complex problems, the brain switches off, and after some time, it turns on with a ready solution. Later on, in everyday life and when working on serious scientific problems, it is enough to consciously set ourselves a straightforward task and continue doing other things. This may be work or recreation, sports, or creative activities. After some time, the solution will come practically ready, and it only remains to be comprehended.

What do you think of the following idea, and even if it looks utopian at first glance? Suppose that there will be such radical changes as the disappearance from human life of such concepts as privacy, property, personal transportation, everyday work, and pollution…? Is it possible to realize this? Yes, it is possible.

A new way of life will allow humanity to get rid of such serious problems as climate change, the migration crisis, environmental degradation, unemployment, and urban overpopulation. Likely, city dwellers will not have to pay rent because other people will use the space while the property owner is away. In addition, people will stop going to the stores and waste time because computer algorithms will help select the necessary goods through online ordering. Such statements and the first possible strategies have already been heard from the rostrum of the last sessions of the World Economic Forum. As the Danish Minister of Environment, Ida Auken, aptly put it, “Before, everyone was only looking for entertainment, and people did not want to fill their heads with more complicated questions. At the last moment, however, we realized how to use technology for our benefit and not just to waste time”.

7. Search a connection between singularity and synergy

We can find many cases throughout history where new and groundbreaking technology, or a collection of such technologies, completely changed people’s lives. The occurring shift is often very dramatic, making it for those living before challenging to understand the new generation’s way of thinking and seeing the world. These kinds of dramatic changes in thinking are called singularities. Or, in other words, a phrase initially derived from mathematics and describes a point in which we are incapable of deciphering its exact properties. In this place, the equations no longer make sense. In the context of singularity, it is most common to discuss the technical side of the matter. However, another aspect of the phenomenon is the expansion of consciousness or the “mental shift” – the change from the traditional static worldview to a more dynamic, multidimensional perception of the world.

Synergy relates to a specific place/location in space, which makes possible the existence of all things or, one could say, is the “vessel” of the world. Everything is therefore alike; all things are involved in a kind of togetherness in which all things contain each other. Togetherness embodies the synergy property of self-growth of being. And this synergy corresponds to the point of singularity marking a rupture in any continuity and the presence of a reality of a higher order. I suppose that synergy may be the key to understanding digital and spiritual energy’s symbiosis. Synergy and singularity symbiosis would provide the greatest possible unlocking of humanity’s shared spiritual and digital knowledge potential. Also, I suppose, that’s possible to read the human mind and its connection to the quantum field via electroencephalogram-based technology connected to human in a state of open consciousness (“with opened 3rd eye”) So much people will follow previous points, so many options (humans) will be available for the study. Up to the joint (collective) consciousness

By extending the information-theoretic paradigm, the informational nature of consciousness is uncovered. Scientists and philosophers are opening up to the unspeakable to bridge the chasm between the objective and subjective. As has been suggested by ancient Eastern and shamanic traditions, the nature of consciousness is necessarily universal and primal. Fortunately, the notion of spirituality is creeping back into science. Also, the surprising therapeutic effects of psychedelics are discovered, next to many different planes of being, accessible to pure consciousness. In essence, the human mind is witnessing the most radical paradigm shift in its history. The well-served and previously glorious materialistic scientific worldview yields to a novel scientific conception of subjective consciousness and objective reality—and their unexpected intimate kinship.

So higher is the volume of dimensions, and higher is the volume of components in these dimensions, so more information is available. In contrast, in the three-dimensional, the volume of information is limited. So that means that if we have x-dimensions around us and everything we do, track, or measure in 4-dimensional logic, our understanding is wrong because the information is incomplete.

John Searle, an American philosopher of contemporary times, recognized for his theories of speech acts and consciousness, said that we have been going wrong in science for the last 50 years by watching the materialistic understanding of our world. We still assume that our consciousness is directly connected – or it is part of our brain. We do not accept the theory that consciousness can exist without the brain. It will mean that consciousness is immortal. Although, when we think about this from Vedic scripts or religious science, it is said that the soul is immortal. So, what is inside our heads? It is a 3-dimensional computing system (Fabrique) that operates our 3-dimensional body. The brain manages the functioning of all our organs without the necessity of thinking about them, from blood pressure through routine but pretty complex mechanical and biochemical processes.

There have been many studies and books written about the workings of the mind. What most of these studies are doing, however, is studying the physical workings of the brain. Science can now tell accurately where some process occurs within the brain but knows practically nothing about what this means. Knowing what regions of the mind light up when we think about some subject is not the same thing as knowing how all of this becomes an image in our mind. If, as physicists believe, the reality that we live in is a composite of the physical and mental, then we must understand the cognitive side before we can hope to understand that reality. Considering the importance that modern physics now gives to consciousness understanding its nature becomes more urgent.

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