The beginning of the 80th and the existence of computers allowed us to visualize and represent by mathematical formulas the templates of Nature. In 1980 mathematician Benua Mandelbrot, by analyzing different mathematical models, levels, and dimensions, invented the term Fractal. Mandelbrot found that when equations repeat, they create an infinitive mass of mathematical or geometrical forms that change the limitation of virtual borders. They are limited but at the same time infinite.
Fractal is a raw geometrical format. When we split fractals into parts, this format repeats in every part like a diminished copy of the main template. By this principle, the format keeps the kind of quality that we can call self-similarity. After this foundation, the fractal of Mandelbrot started to be called the Fingerprint of God. Inside these fractals, we can see the root of the ART OF NATURE.
Suppose we watch the Mandelbrot figure from an appropriate angle. In that case, it will remind us of the Indian god, or better said: Buddha. This figure was named Buddhabrot.
Let’s look at the ancient civilizations’ forms of art and architecture. We will find the association of fractal figures with beauty, illumination, and everything saint.
Fractals, even though they are complicated into infinity, every part of fractal contains the grain (seed) capable of producing the whole picture again and again. Fractals completely changed the point of view of mathematics to understanding the Universe and how the Universe works. With every new level of the fractal expansion is born a new differentiation from the original. The transportation from one fractal to another one creates its neverending changes and transformation. This transformation is called the “Cosmic spiral” – the autonomous intellect of the matrix of time and space.
The natural order of fractals is chaotic, and at the same time, is filled by a sound that makes an order.
When our brain recognizes something that evaluates by kind of template – the brain recognizes the kind of matter, focus and we are trying to see the beauty. But to keep them in our consciousness we have to throw out the rest of the fractal.
If we want to connect the fractal with our feelings, we have to slow down its movement. All universe energy is neutral, eternal (neverending), and exits out of the measurement. Our capability of recognizing the art and recognition of templates is the interface between micro-cosmos and macro-cosmos, between the eternal world of waves and the world of tight things that we call matter.