The crisis of our world is not

social, religious, or economic.

Our crisis is the crisis of consciousness. Our impossibility to feel our core  nature and see this nature in every one of us and in all things around us.


The vision of a perfect algorithm.

An alternative study of our civilization strategy about the population’s evolution and mandatory requirements for human life sustainability.
About the Author
Transformation of a civilized community into an education-based community via research of digital interface between singularity and synergy.
Drivers of our existence
We continuously evolve. In our model of understanding, we can say that we are evolving from super-stupid to super-smart.
Vision of the perfect algorithm
Today consumption is the absolute value of modern society. It is necessary to find the Perfect Algorithm for solving this
The ideology of joyful people
Action-oriented joyful people are using knowledge, education, advanced technology, and a new vector of thinking.
Consumption-driven vs. Education-driven economy
Consumption is a disease of society. Let's look at the problem solving in (un)developed countries focusing on the education-driven economy.
My personal obsession on the Secret
I had a personal Life Transforming experience that made me see a new perspective on a future life path changing
Blessed or foolish. Does not matter.
We are able to find the single source of truth. To do so, first, we need to transform ourselves and
The Initial Aum (Aum, Logos, Big Bang)
Om or Aum is the basic sound of the Universe, confirming our connection to it. Human words may regain their
Nada Brahma
The energetic field is the connection between our inner and outer worlds, the source of spiritual experience and knowledge.
The Akasha
The modern conception of fractals helps us understand Akasha as the initial substance. The Akasha is the space of everything.
Ensemble de Mandelbrot
Mandelbrot’s fractals completely changed the point of view of mathematics to understanding the Universe and how the Universe works.
Contemplation is a kind of inner vision, the act of creation in an irrational way when the mind begins to
Our vibration is the energy we broadcast to the outside world or attract to ourselves. All things come from the
Forcing creation of matter
Moving principles of the Universe based on analysis of waves. Starting by sound, the logos, at the moment missing the
Triangle as a Trinity
By analyzing our personal inner world, we can see a more thin energy. Self Identity of an individual is revealed
The understanding that only one consciousness exists. There is only one me and you, and others up to the singularity
The Golden Key
The Universe works by unbelievable, mysterious mechanisms and obeys its own particular laws, which are limited mind cannot comprehend.
The characteristic of Spiral is that every part is a reflection of the whole. It is the symbol-focused cosmic energy
Golden ratio
By Platon, all spirits of the Universe are linked by a single harmonic resonance. Uniqueness φ means it can be
The “Li” Liology
In ancient China, the knowledge about the templates of Nature was known as “Li”. Li explains the existing order and
The Network of Nadia
When we consciously allow energy to move through us by the state of zero resistance and calmness, our physical connection
The Illusion of life
When the process of identifying ourselves with our thoughts is lower, the personal path is more in balance with the
Hidden knowledge
Knowledge Base hides in the most visible place – inside us. Finding a balance between inner and outer will allow
The snake and the Lotos
Symbol of reaching spiritual enlightenment and full potential versus symbol of snake managing the human wishes.
Pineal gland or hypophysis
The Master gland picks up electromagnetic fields from absolutely all Universe dimensions, allowing access to spiritual and subtle fields.
Kundalini activation
Kundalini Awakening allows us to see the inner light and restore human evolution functions by improving the life force.
Cognize the energy around the awakened existence leading to the knowledge of God’s word inside yourself and the field of
Yantra is the outer presentation of the inner process of spiritual growth that works thanks to the power of fractals.

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Mantra to Pray
A mantra is a word, phrase, or sound that is repeated during meditation or chanting, often used for its spiritual
Life, freedom, and aspiration for happiness
Realizing that the world's inner energy is something alive and existing in our inner nature leads us to find true
Beyond thinking
Our thinking and actions should be brought again into the balance of being and collaborate with hearts, joined again to
We can create a new type of reality perception at the deepest level of thinking when only the perception of
How to live in a state when consciousness is not in conflict with its content? Acceptance of reality as it
Universe energy
The direct way of self-analysis allows to direct the mind to the depths of the heart and thus learn bliss
Population expansion history
Surveillance of the global population with the birth rate itself is a fascinating topic. Are our planet's resources being depleted?
Over Consuming Civilization Collapse
Consuming Aberration is a serious disease of our Civilization that is changing the planet and decreasing the probability of sustaining
Consumption of Water
Over-population, depletion of food and water resources are part of the same problem. Is water becoming one of the most
Sustainable Smart Cities
Cities development and innovation increase the level of comfort of people living in these cities and comfort increase people consciousness.
Economics and Politics
Securing Earth's future needs prudent, long-term decisions from global policy-making and assuming a new political system of united nations.
Change is the Challenge
The main challenge for humanity is, undoubtedly, to survive and keep the natural balance on the planet and increase our
The Knowledge Base
Synergy and singularity symbiosis provides the greatest possible unlocking of humanity’s shared spiritual and digital knowledge potential.
Transformation of knowledge via Smart Cities
The idea of inclusiveness, transformation, and sustainability are reference points in smart cities' development to changing the economy.
System transformation toward spiritual journey
We need to focus on a spiritual journey and the opportunity to change the point of view on the continuing
Mind Transformation
The competition of human values, increasing intuitive perception's level, and education transformation should be taking over in society.
The Role of Media
Technological expansion with media influence changes human perceptions of the world and places us in a new virtual environment.
Using Propaganda in a Smarter Way
By carrying out the right propaganda to reduce consumption, the transformation of the consciousness of being in society is starting.
Methods of Propaganda
With the current level of technology and media, the Propaganda through the Overton Window method is working the most efficiently.
Propaganda Methods Use Cases
How to extract completely alien ideas for society from the trash can of public contempt, dust them off, and eventually
The akashic library vs. human data
Author thoughts about the connection of the human mind with a quantum field - the field of Akasha. Data visualization.
About electro-encephalogram
In the future, the communication with the computer will be operated directly by the human brain's forced impulses.
To be continued
A new version of Absurdystan study every year, since 2014. I collect my own experiences as well feedback from you,