This article collects short definitions about every aspect of the smart city, every new and innovative technology, solution, and principle that may be used in the development of our cities, our business, and maybe ourselves. Glossary, dictionary, terms.

Absolute in meaning related to smart cities is about to make things around cities and processes of infrastructure as closest to the absolute order as possible. 

Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Apps (application programs) - Different programs are used to work with different types of information.
Aquaponics is a combined method of growing fish and plants together in a recirculating ecosystem using natural bacterial cycles to
Alternative energy
Energy resources are divided into non-renewable and renewable according to their ability to be obtained quickly in the natural environment.
Advanced encryption standard (AES)
What is Advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) - is an open application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware with a focus on queuing,
Application agents
Application agents help address the lack of overhead for an end-to-end, peer-to-peer network in an IoT architecture. They help manage
Application Programming Interface (API)
Application Programming Interface (API)

Bee is one of the most interesting self-organized structures in the world. This behavior makes bee smart with the most efficient infrastructure and communication with the lowest consumption of energy. Interesting, isn’t it?

biophilic design
biophilic design is an innovative method of design that incorporates elements of nature into modern design to help restore and
Biomimicry is the science of applying nature-inspired designs in human engineering and invention to solve human problems.
Big Data
Big data refers to the collection of data sets that are so large and complex that it’s difficult to capture,

The cycle is the most important part of continuous development. Doing things in a cycle cause a repetitive effect that allows improving innovation. Cycle allows continuously remove problems caused by changes of the previous cycle.

Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a technology that provides access to computer resources over the Internet. There is no need to buy,
Community supported agriculture
Community-supported agriculture – a system in which a farm operation is supported by shareholders within the community who share both
What is cybersecurity
Chirps - Lighter, purpose-built protocols that allow "things" in the IoT to communicate and exchange information. They are designed for
Constrained application protocol (CoAP)
One of the widely used protocols for interaction between IoT devices (Internet of Things) or IoT devices and the external
Chicane is a series of alternating mid-block curb extensions or islands that narrow the roadway and require vehicles to follow

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/www/ on line 184
Continuous innovation process
Continuous innovation is modest, gradational, ongoing upgrades or enhancements of existing technologies or products; continuous innovation...
Climate Protection Program
The City Council adopted the first KliP Vienna back in 1999, to run until 2009. The sequel, KliP II, runs

As deepest is the participation of three key parties in the development of their city, so better the quality of final results is. The key participant of Smart City development committee is Government, Citizens, and Business.

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The environment in Smart Cities is the natural part of the planet. To make the city sustainable and citizens life quality on the highest possible level, the environment is the key part with the most sensitive monitoring.

Features of an eco-city.
Environmental health
Environmental health is the study of how environmental factors can harm human health and how to identify, prevent, and control
Environmental justice movement
Environmental justice movement
Environmental racism
Environmental racism is the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color.
Experience economy
Experience economy the next economy following the agrarian economy, the industrial economy, and the most recent service economy.
Energy neutral
Energy neutral the total amount of energy used on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable
Encryption - аunction of transforming data by the discipline of cryptography to make the data indecipherable to anyone other than
Environmentalism broad ideology concerned with protecting the environment.
Experiential design
Experiential design is designing products, processes, services, events, omnichannel journeys with a focus on the user experience.

Smart Cities development is a step in the evolution of cities to deliver higher life quality to citizens. When life comfort is on a higher level, people are more conscious and friendly. The key aspects of the global piece.

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Global Smart Cities strategy to open the possibility to learn from lessons of other cities. The global strategy of Smart Cities is the most effective tool to reach environmental sustainability in minimal time consumption.

Green camouflage, sometimes greenwashing, is a form of environmental marketing that makes extensive use of "green" PR and techniques that
Global climate change adaptation
Global climate change adaptation - actions are taken to help communities and ecosystems cope with changing climate conditions. (UNFCCC)
Geo-tagging – this is the addition of geographic metadata to devices, which helps identify them on the network. Is a
Greenscape - an area of vegetation in an urban area set aside for aesthetic or recreational purposes.
Greenway is a strip of undeveloped land near an urban area, set aside for recreational use of environmental protection.
Green infrastructure
Artificial structure and technology designed to be green, i.e., green energy in preference to dirty (non-renewable, polluting) energy.
These days, traditional forms of government are no longer sufficient to ensure effective use of the volume and variety of
Gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming is a gender equality strategy. Differences in social status and structural inequalities between women and men are...
Gender budgeting
Gender budgeting is the finance policy tool of the gender mainstreaming strategy. It aims to incorporate a gender perspective at

Smart Cities are healthy cities. Healthy and natural environment, with satisfied and healthy citizens. It is the way of global development direction, although, probably these days this aspect pretty lag…

Haze computing
Haze Computing - A dynamic model for analytics applications in which the application from the data source analyzes a pooled
Health disparities
Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease,injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced
Health equity
Health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to attain his or her full health potential and no
Healthy community
One that is continuously creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources...

The individual does not mean separate. Smart Cities should open the possibility for individual ideas with the collective support of the idea application. In history, all inventions have been found mainly by individuals.

iBeacon technology is a promising development from Apple, designed to transmit a Bluetooth signal to devices within the range of
IIoT - from the English Industrial IoT. Loosely translated the Internet of Things is for industrial use.
Inclusivity an intention or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who are
State where things, for example, objects, environments, vehicles, and clothing have more and more information associated with them and may...
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) refers to the integration of telecommunications, computers, and associated enterprise...
Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a generic term for a network of infrastructures, devices, and other objects that can interact
Refers to the combination of multiple modes of transport in a seamless travel chain, e.g. traveling to the rail or

Did you ever make something important or interesting without the Joy of that? Impossible. Great things are born only when the individual or collective feel Joyful. Smart Cities’ strategy should follow this development constraint.

Joke - a short, humorous story with a word or phrase that ends it and causes laughter.
Joy the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying

The Key of Smart City is the highest quality of infrastructure, the most natural environment, the most sustainable usage of resources, and the happiest citizens living in the city.

Keenness has a great ability to see clearly and understand. Very sensitive, responsive, or alert.
Keeper – a person who owns or operates a business (usually used in combination): A person who assumes responsibility for

Liology, or often also called Li is a Chinese ancient study about the geometry of nature. This geometry should be used in future cities development as it is self-organized, the most efficient, and with the lowest energy consumption. Everything in nature is constructed in the logic of these geometry principles.

last mileage problem
last mileage problem a problem faced by transit agencies, how to get commuters to public transit without the use of
living building
living building - a concept that uses nature as the ultimate measuring stick for a building's performance.
Living alleyways
Living alleyways are narrow, low-volume traffic streets that focus on livability instead of parking and traffic.
Living labs
Living labs embody a research concept, often collocated in a user-centered, territorial context (e.g., a city or region) that examines...

In the current strategies this is not an aspect of the discussion, although, with the transition of human-thinking in quantum logic, the matter and anti-matter should become part of Smart Cities development logic.

Refers to the routine use of different modes of transport for different journeys over a specific period, which usually varies
The urban microclimate is the climate of the city or a small area of it, which directly impacts local people.

Neural systems from the micro and macro perspective are the decentralized system of organization and communication between units in cities, as well from a global perspective. It is the fastest connection between N-units.

Normalcy bias
The difficulty to comprehend the fact that a disaster is occurring. Two misconceptions work against this principle and lead to

A modern city development gets in the principles of open policies. the open and transparent approach gives the possibility to share lessons learned between cities and countries and gives an advantage of higher development speed.

Open standard
Open Standards for software interoperability, data and document formats
Organic cities network europe
The network of several European cities and municipalities is committed to supplying urban populations with organic produce and promoting...

The proactive approach uses predictive models, these days with the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence tools. Proactive management of cities allows to make an action before, rather than reactive that’s more costly and with higher consumption of physical or mental resource energy.

Predictive analysis
Predictive analysis - statistical techniques such as predictive modeling, machine learning, and data mining to analyze data and make predictions.
High albedo pavement
High albedo concrete is a special type of pavement that reflects more light than dark-colored materials due to its lighter

Future connection, communication, and interaction between elements of global infrastructure are in the quantum technologies and people progress on the quantum-based physical laws use in a commercial environment.

Quantum computing
Quantum computing is a type of computation that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, ...
Quality of life
A broad multidimensional concept that usually includes subjective evaluations of both positive and negative aspects of life.

Smart City project implementation relies on the responsible participation of every human being connected or even not connected in the process of global cities development.

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Sustainable resource usage is the global strategy of production and consumption management. Sustainable cities are cities that are self-sufficient to operate with their own production and efficient external resource in/out cycle.

Smart grid
Smart grid - electricity network that uses ICT to integrate the actions of all users connected to it – generators,
Smart connections
Smart connections - a vital component of a smart city, incorporating transportation, online access, technology, and community.
Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 universally..
Spatial energy planning
Combines spatial planning and energy planning disciplines to ensure a stable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable energy supply.
Services of General (Economic) Interest
(SGI/SGEI) Prudent and reliable provision of public goods and services that entail a special responsibility for the community at large.

Continents, Territories, Countries, Cities, and Villages – all these segments participate in the global cities’ development strategy. Developing their infrastructure from a technology and social perspective.

Transition town
The terms transition town, transition initiative, and transition model refer to grassroots community projects that aim to increase...

Every city is unique and every city has it’s own historical, geo-cultural, infrastructure, and social specifics. All these aspects are part of tracking the smart cities’ infrastructure quality.

Urban ecology
Urban ecology is the scientific study of the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings in the
Urban regeneration
Integrated vision and action lead to the resolution of urban problems and which seeks to bring about a lasting improvement
Urban farming
Generic term for different types of primary food production in urban conurbations and their immediate hinterland...

Virtualization of cities’, industrials’, and infrastructure and resources give an advantage of extreme optimization of qualification management and bring cities, services, and product development speed. Deliver better products and services across continents.

Vibration energy
Vibration energy harvesting is the technique to scavenge energy from unwanted vibration occurrences in the environment.
A visionary is someone with a strong vision of the future. Since such visions aren't always accurate, a visionary's ideas
Vertical garden/farm
An alternative form of farming stretching from the ground up, with the ability to be built in areas with limited

The world becomes smarter through technologies, innovation, but mainly through a consciousness of people by their natural evolution. People are getting smarter, and naturally, also cities and the environment around become better.

Waste-to-energy incineration of municipal solid waste that then uses the energy (in the form of heat) to produce electricity and/or
Wildlife corridors
Routes designed to facilitate the migration and free movement of wildlife in and around urban areas, i.e. green belts, land

Xeonegny – production of offspring completely unlike either parent. Smart Cities of the future relates to every of the next generation. Experiments in Smart Cities of these days develop a strategy for these, but mainly next generation. Smart Cities – it is education for better development of cities and the world.

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I and You are about the interaction and connection quality between us. Mental and physical interaction in human understanding is very similar to the organization of the macro-infrastructure of these days.

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Zero-emission, zero waste, zero-carbon, zero negative around us, and zero impact to the environment self-organized infrastructure are the environment keys of Smart Cities development strategy.

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Utopia: The Ideal Society Unveiled
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Global democracy
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