Economic research is a macroeconomic indicators analysis to research the economic quality. Our research is performed based on country, industry, business sector, or a special topic. We use different global databases to make data valid and reliable.


Socrates and Confucius: about morality, ethics, and education.
An imaginative conversation to explore the ideas and philosophy associated with Socrates and Confucius, focusing on their common interests in ethics, morality, and the path to wisdom.
Darwin and Gould talk about the theory of evolution
This is an imagined conversation it serves as an exploration of the scientific ideas and influences associated with Darwin and Gould
Bell and Stephenson about responsible and ethical innovation
Discussion between Alexander Graham Bell and Steve Stephenson. Remember that this is an imagined conversation


Utopia: The Ideal Society Unveiled
Discover the origins of utopia, its impact throughout history, and humanity's eternal pursuit of an ideal world.
Uncover the concept of patocracy, where a select elite wield significant power, and its effects on society and politics.
Global democracy
Global democracy will be based on one world state operating on liberal and democratic principles.


science, history, government, economics, space, people, wellbeing, healthcare, technology, energy, climate, infrastructure, business, security, art, games, absurdystan, buzzwords, relax, sustainable development, entertainment, home,