1602, Atmospheric pressure
Otto von Guericke invented the air pump and performed a number of experiments with it (including the "Magdeburg hemispheres" experiment) to prove the existence of atmospheric pressure. Tag: Invention, Mechanics -
1607, Harvard University
John Harvard was a clergyman and scholar who founded Harvard University. Tag: Invention, Education -
1618, Light diffraction
Mathematician and physicist Francesco M. Grimaldi discovered light diffraction. Tag: Invention, Math -
1620, Science of demography
Statistician John Grant founded the science of demography. Tag: Invention, Demography -
1621, Telescope
Galileo perfected his invention of the telescope. Tag: Invention, Astronomy -
1623, Calculator
Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and physicist who invented an early calculator. Tag: Invention, Math -
1625, Moons of Saturn
Giovanni Cassini, a French astronomer who discovered the moons of Saturn. Tag: Invention, Astronomy -
1627, Boyle's Law
Robert Boyle is the Irish physicist who wrote "Boyle's Law of Ideal Gasses." Tag: Invention, Physics -
1632, Microscope
Antony van Leeuwenhoek was considered the father of microscopy because of the advances he made in microscope design and use. Tag: Invention, Science/Mechanics -
1635, Micrographia
Robert Hooke was an English physicist and the first person to see micrographia by using a microscope. Tag: Invention, Physics -
1643, Gravity field
Isaac Newton was a British physicist, mathematician, and astronomer most known for his discoveries in the field of gravity. Tag: Invention, Science -
1643, Newton on scene
Isaac Newton was a noted physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who invented a telescope and developed many theories. Tag: Invention, Mechanics -
1656, Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley was an English scientist who computed the orbit of Halley's Comet, which is where it got its name. Tag: Invention, Astronomy -
1660, bridge-building book
Hubert Gautier was an engineer who wrote the first book on bridge-building. Tag: Invention, Construction/Mechanics -
1663, Steam engine
Thomas Newcomen invented an improved steam engine. Tag: Invention, Mechanics -
1682, Telescope
John Hadley invented the first reflecting telescope. Tag: Invention, Astronomy -
1686, Thermometer
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the thermometer. Tag: Invention, Medicine -
1690, Paper money
The first paper money in America was issued in the colony of Massachusetts. Tag: Invention, Economy -
1692, Eelectrical capacitor
Physicist Pieter van Musschenbroek invented the Leyden Jar-the first electrical capacitor. Tag: Invention, Physics -
1698, Force of repulsion
Charles Francois de Cisternay Dufay was a French chemist who studied the force of repulsion, noting that most things could be electrified just by rubbing them and that materials conduct better when wet. Tag: Invention, Chemistry