City-as-a-Service laco.vencel BUZZWORDS In the City as a Service (CaaS) model, city public services are expected to become more integrated, efficient, and user-centric.
Propaganda Methods Use Cases laco.vencel ABSURDYSTAN How to extract completely alien ideas for society from the trash can of public contempt, dust them off, and eventually legislate them?
Population expansion history laco.vencel ABSURDYSTAN Surveillance of the global population with the birth rate itself is a fascinating topic. Are our planet’s resources being depleted?
Anarchy laco.vencel GOVERNMENT Anarchism means the absence of power as a source of violence, the domination of man by force foreign to him – the state.
SDG#16 – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies laco.vencel SDG Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable,…
The future is in steel. SpaceX introduced a rocket for Mars flights laco.vencel SCIENCE Design of Starship with basic parameters (length 50 meters, diameter 9 meters, empty weight 120 tons (repair is in the original presentation), fuel weigh…