Unraveling the Mysteries of Existence: Evolution vs. Involution Explained…convergent evolution
Unraveling the Mysteries of Existence: Evolution vs. Involution Explained…convergent evolution
What is the difference between thought and thinking? Our blog offers expert insights into the intricacies of these concepts, including the different types of thinking and how they impact our thoughts. Learn practical techniques to better understand what is frequency and control your thought patterns and take control of your mind using Schumann resonance.
While a larger proportion of people living “single” are driven by economic growth, the increase in loneliness has detrimental economic…
Author thoughts about the connection of the human mind with a quantum field – the field of Akasha. Data visualization. Interface. Connection.
Moving principles of the Universe based on analysis of waves. Starting by sound, the logos, at the moment missing the rest of the senses.
Our vibration is the energy we broadcast to the outside world or attract to ourselves. All things come from the field existing through us.
The modern conception of fractals helps us understand Akasha as the initial substance. The Akasha is the space of everything.
The energetic field is the connection between our inner and outer worlds, the source of spiritual experience and knowledge.
After 12 years in Smart Cities, I think very differently about them. Leaving technologies behind and moving into People!
I had a personal Life Transforming experience that made me see a new perspective on a future life path changing myself from logical into…