Tag Archives: research

Commercial Space Flights and Tourism: Expanding Horizons Beyond Earth. According to Space Angels’ forecasts, investments in the space industry exceeded $6 billion in 2021. This signals growing investor interest in new space opportunities.

Deep into the concept of spectrums versus binaries, and how nature operates within these principles. Discover how embracing a spectrum-based perspective can enhance your understanding of the world and promote greater inclusivity and empathy analytic and holistic thinking. Learn practical ways to apply phi may appear in various natural and aesthetic phenomena in your daily life and join us in celebrating the wonders of nature’s many shades.

What is the difference between thought and thinking? Our blog offers expert insights into the intricacies of these concepts, including the different types of thinking and how they impact our thoughts. Learn practical techniques to better understand what is frequency and control your thought patterns and take control of your mind using Schumann resonance.