Unlocking the Mysteries of Shape and Space: The Ultimate Guide to Geometry. Geometry is the basis for understanding spatial relationships and shapes, in various sciences, technologies, and everyday life.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Shape and Space: The Ultimate Guide to Geometry. Geometry is the basis for understanding spatial relationships and shapes, in various sciences, technologies, and everyday life.
What is the difference between thought and thinking? Our blog offers expert insights into the intricacies of these concepts, including the different types of thinking and how they impact our thoughts. Learn practical techniques to better understand what is frequency and control your thought patterns and take control of your mind using Schumann resonance.
In the future, the communication with the computer will be operated directly by the human brain’s forced impulses.
Yantra is the outer presentation of the inner process of spiritual growth that works thanks to the power of fractals.
The Master gland picks up electromagnetic fields from absolutely all Universe dimensions, allowing access to spiritual and subtle fields.
By Platon, all spirits of the Universe are linked by a single harmonic resonance. Uniqueness φ means it can be visualized almost everywhere.
Moving principles of the Universe based on analysis of waves. Starting by sound, the logos, at the moment missing the rest of the senses.
Our vibration is the energy we broadcast to the outside world or attract to ourselves. All things come from the field existing through us.
After 12 years in Smart Cities, I think very differently about them. Leaving technologies behind and moving into People!
The human brain can now be perfected or treated by scientists using electron microscopes, electrodes, optical fibers,…