You use civil to describe events that happen within a country and involve the different groups of people in it. Usually, civil conflict becomes when the government or repressive elements of the government stop listening to the country’s population and act by economics or power-based motivations. History shows that there are exact stages that initiate civil conflict.
I see, and I feel that current governments balance the second and third stages. Something is wrong with our society. Politics don’t listen to people. Forcing solutions good for them, for their business and causing permanent stress to themselves and their countries’ population. Is that normal? I don’t think so.
Stage 1 - Passive resistance
A way of showing your opposition to law or official activity without acting violently. Passive resistance intermixed with active defiance in the rear inevitably and profoundly affected conditions at the front. Resistance, especially to a government or an occupying power, is characterized mainly by noncooperation. The term came into common use during the independence struggle in India between the 1920s and 1948. It has been used widely by groups who lack formal authority or position and has sometimes been called the “weapon of the weak.”
Stage 2 - Civil disobedience
Civil disobedience can be defined as refusing to obey a law, a regulation, or a power judged unjust in a peaceful manner. Civil disobedience is, therefore, a form of resistance without violence. The authorship of the term civil disobedience is generally attributed to the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau, who conceptualized it in an essay with the same name – Civil Disobedience – published in 1849.
Civil disobedience is the active, non-violent refusal to accept the dictates of governments. It informs them that unjust actions will be opposed, and the people will act illegally if pushed to do so. Civil disobedience causes disruption and focuses attention while forcing debate to bring about fundamental and progressive changes within our societies and our world.
On the most widely accepted account, civil disobedience is a public, non-violent and conscientious breach of law undertaken to bring about a change in laws or government policies.
Stage 3 - Going Underground
Internal organizational pressure might depend on leaders’ expectations of declining followers’ commitment with prolonged use of mass tactics.
This competition makes leaders more likely to initiate terrorism to establish themselves at the forefront of their movements. The findings provide empirical support consistent with my claims and indicate no significant difference between civil wars and mass civil resistance movements regarding these effects. Contrary to the common idea that the use of conventional violence should entail a higher willingness to engage in illegal violence against non-combatants, this finding suggests that conflict dynamics affect the decision to initiate terrorism and that terrorist campaigns have a coherent strategic logic across different types of mass dissent.
Stage 4 - Armed resistance
Acts of opposition, defiance, or sabotage using weapons, including typical battles, attacks, or guerrilla strikes. Simply it is opposition to one in authority or dominance that was impossible to beat by non-conflicted negotiations. In history, we can find many examples of this residential kind of solving the conflicts with the low prediction to win.
Stage 5 – Civil War
Civil War is a war between opposing groups, political factions of citizens of the same country. The most known is the American Civil War, fought 1861–1865 between the United States and 11 southern states that had seceded from it. It is also commonly known as the U.S. Civil War, especially in the U.S. as the War Between the States or simply the Civil War.